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Digitalization: The Value of Digital Tools on Profitability

In association with the International Trade Center's Coffee Export Guide, we held our latest Spanish webinar: Digitalization: The Value of Digital Tools on Profitability.

Along with Nick Castellano, Philip von der Goltz of List-Beisler and Vanúsia Nogueira of Brazilian Specialty Coffee discussed the Coffee Export Guide and the value it will bring to the industry. Vera Espíndola Rafael of Azahar Coffee, Manuel Antonio Camacho of Vinculum AI, and Elena Lokteva of Tourist Coffee Roasters and Ally Coffee also joined us to better understand the value that digital tools bring to the table with our moderators and panelists!

If you weren't able to make the webinar, all good because we recorded this in-depth discussion just for you!

00:06:18 Cropster is a digital solution for the entire coffee industry to collect, analyze, and use data from the coffee cherry to the coffee cup.

00:07:50 Philip explains the idea behind the Coffee Exporter's Guide and how this will improve the industry.

00:14:22 Vanusia explains the importance of Chapter 14: Digital Transformation and why the industry needs to adopt the use of digital tools.

00:20:31 Manuel speaks about information acquisition and especially for coffee business financing in origin. He explains the challenges and opportunities when collecting data.

00:29:07 Vera speaks on the communication of data for coffee traceability and how communicating this data can empower those in origin from improved livelihoods to improved business decisions.

00:37:26 Elena speaks on using data for quality and applying data to your business. Solutions such as Cropster Origin improve communication to improve quality across the entire supply chain.

00:52:04 Vanuesia speaks on Brazil's recent frosts and the effects on Brazilian coffee production. She speaks on how digital tools can prevent catastrophic effects caused by weather, for example.

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