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Instagram Live session with Scott Rao

On April 8th, we hosted an Instagram live session with our friend & roast consultant Scott Rao. For our talk about post roast analysis, Scott shared some curves live to discuss them in more detail. Please find them below to check out on a bigger screen and enjoy watching the video!


We understand that you may not have time to follow the entire session so we've added some handy quick links to key topics here. You can watch the video on our site, or click the links to be taken to that particular topic (that will take you to YouTube).
00:02:54 Roast Compare - How Scott uses this report in his daily work

00:03:35 How to cup

00:09:53 How many cups is the minimum?

00:12:00 The unmanaged roast

00:19:18 Repeatability of your roasts

00:25:49 Questions from the viewers

00:55:25 Scott's online class schedule

Screenshots that Scott shared in the live stream



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