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November update - Even more flexible sample handling for large and small businesses

We are happy to announce the latest release of Cropster will be live on November 2nd. The focus for this release has been quality control. Specifically integrating feedback we have received from partners worldwide to make their quality related workflows quicker, simpler and more intuitive. There's a lot in this release so we have two posts about it. In this section we'll be reviewing the updates to sample handling. There's also a post dedicated to updating on the cupping side here. Let’s get straight to the details.

The big news: Lots now have sample types.

Why? So you can easily track and tie multiple samples to a single source (producer/importer/etc.), a single lot, container or order. This will be done by grouping the samples together. Something we know customers (especially larger customers and traders) want for their workflows. This will be the starting point for entering samples into Cropster making entry more straightforward and less complicated, especially for customers dealing with large volumes of samples. This change means you will be able to add a new sample type to multiple samples at the same time. Finally, collecting this information means you'll be able to easily report on if or how quality changes during the purchasing process.

So you can easily track and tie multiple samples to a single source (producer/importer/etc.). This will be done by grouping the samples together. Something we know customers (especially larger customers and traders) want for their workflows. The new sample type will have the following values by default: Type Sample, Offer, Spot Offer, Pre-Shipment, Arrival and Evaluation. This will be the starting point for entering samples into Cropster making entry more straightforward and less complicated, especially for customers dealing with large volumes of samples. Oh and finally, this change means you will be able to add a new sample type to multiple samples at the same time.

2016 Nov release - Lots now have sample type with highlights

It’s even easier to search and sort samples.

You can now search by: Tracking Number, Sales Number and Rating (via quick filter)

Additionally, the results are now sortable by column for these fields and also for PO Number making finding key information quicker and easier.

What does it mean to you?

Until now "Sample state" was a property of your cupping and/or physical analysis. It was pre-filled with one of the following: Spot-Offer, Pre-Shipment, Arrival, Type Sample, Inventory and Production. That information will be kept. But, it will be renamed to "Category" so basically it’s a simple name change.  If you use it - great, keep doing what you are doing. But, Cropster will not pre-fill it for you and for new groups it will not be shown by default - one sec, we’ll get to that in a second. Finally, you can still add categories just like you could with ‘Sample state’ in the settings at:

2016 Nov release - Viewing a sample group

Anything else I need to know about lots and sample types?

Yes. Two things!

The initial sample (which Cropster will call: "Offer") is created the same way as it is now. Any subsequent samples from the same lot can then be grouped together with it. (see the screenshot for details).

You will not lose any information you have entered into Cropster. If you have come up with a workaround using ‘Categories’, rest assured your data is still there and will remain accessible. 

What about pulling together/viewing a sample group? Good question! This works pretty much the same way it always has. But, now for each sample group a single inventory lot is created. The inventory lot is now directly linked and you can see all the associated samples in one place! Simple!

Is that it? Almost, we have updated manuals as well!

As a result of this update we are also updating manuals. They cover every screen in detail and walk you through all the various processes. To get things started the following are available online now and there will be more coming:

For a detailed presentation on navigating the updated Quality tab please click here.

To learn all about setting up your lab, adding evaluators, labs, adding and removing cuppings, etc., please click here.

If you're looking for more information about how to use sessions and set up cuppings in detail, please click here.

If you have set up a profile already and want to change it's name, please click here.

Looking to manage your sourcing and green buying in Cropster? Please click here.

To learn about all the updates to cupping in the November release click here.

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