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Roast Like A Champion with Mark Michaelson

It was very exciting to have the US roasting champion Mark Michaelson join us for this webinar. Mark has proven his masterery of roasting in both roasting competitions and daily coffee roastery operations. After working as the head roaster at Onyx Coffee Lab for over 10 years, he is now running his own roast consultancy business. In this dual language Chinese / English Webinar, Mark shares his knowledge and insights on how to roast like a champion along with Summer Zhang another roaster from Onyx (and a native Chinese speaker).

If you weren't able to make the webinar, you can still learn from one of the best in coffee roasting in the recording below!

0:34 Introduction of guests 嘉賓介紹
2:36 Today’s agenda 會議日程安排
4:16 Before roasting, how to analyse green bean metrics 開始烘焙前,如何分析生豆信息
15:52 While roasting, how to decide your roasting profile 在烘焙過程中,如何實現目標曲線
38:18 Post roasting, the QC process 烘焙完成後,如何執行品控流程
46:50 Q&A session 問答環節

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