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Getting to the core of your roast - the Cropster data project

We spend a lot of time thinking about data. What's the easiest way to help people collect information, how can we help people in their everyday work? And critically, how can we help people take advantage of all the amazing recent advances in data analysis. Cropster has advanced reporting that helps people focus on what is critical and gain insights. We built much of this side by side with coffee experts across the world. But, we know there are a lot more gems hiding in that data. The result, we’re beginning a new project to find them - the Cropster Data Project.

A short while ago we hired a data engineer to help us focus on these questions. We are already seeing results. Some are helping us create better, more insightful reports even faster. Others are more complex and provide new views into the coffee supply chain and coffee roasting. The results are interesting, but to understand them and develop them further we need to work with a larger group of experts.

As part of this effort we have already begun a few initiatives with a couple of leading universities and support from a select group of industry partners. Our shared goal is to dive more deeply into all the information Cropster helps people collect to provide new and useful insights. Insights we believe will result in an even better cup.

With the Cropster data project we are looking for additional partners who are willing to share some of their expertise with us. In return, we will add our technical expertise to analyze this data and answer new questions about using it, plus address how it can be used, etc.

If you'd like to join the Cropster data project, learn more about your data and help us develop some of these new ideas and technologies, please send us an email at We're just getting started and would like to find more partners who are interested in joining us.

One final, but very important note: at Cropster, your data is your data. Our goal is to help individual businesses get the most from their practices, not to share or sell your individual data. We’ll be working alongside roasters to help them understand what data can reveal and to learn where that has value for them. :-)


New releases


インテリジェント豆温度と人工知能(AI)に基づくRoR予測を特徴とするロースティング・インテリジェンス最新バージョンのリリースを当社はとても楽しみにしています。 これからはローストの進み具合を事前に把握!


New releases


ロースティング インテリジェンス 4の最新のアップデートにより、クロップスターは人工知能(AI)に基づく1ハゼ予測を皆様にお届けします。1ハゼが発生する可能性が最も高いタイミングをを示し、それに応じて焙煎を計画できます。 全ての詳細をお読む。

Roastery   -   Blog posts

あなたに最適な温度上昇率 (RoR) は?

温度上昇率に関する沢山の質問がクロップスターに寄せられています。 コーヒを愛する私たち技術者は温度上昇率に精通しています。 私たちのテクノロジーに関する専門知識はロースターの成長に繋がると確信しています。 彼にはコヒーに関する幅広い専門知識も欠かせません。 結果とし、私たちは世界的なリーディング コーヒー エキスパート達と連携をとりました:Anne Cooper、 Rob Hoos,、そして…


