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Hub Tag! Remember that coffee and EVERYTHING about it!

That's a bold claim, but Hub's latest feature is a big one! And we believe that claim holds up. Hub now connects your real world coffee work directly with the online world.

If you have a smartphone, you have everything you need. You simply pull it out and scan the coffees you are interested using your smartphone's camera an any QR code reader it has installed (or built in with iOS and some newer Android phones).

Hub Tag simply helps you remember interesting coffees!

The best part? Once you scan the QR code you can add your own evaluation. Choose from a quick: yes, no, maybe; Plus, thanks to the notes section you can remember anything you noticed during your cupping. Easily add your own flavor notes or any other comments you think will be useful about the coffee and you are good to go. Another highlight, you can even add the coffee to your wish list on Hub (remember, Cropster users are already members of Hub and anyone can simply register for free - it takes seconds to set up). Finally, you can simply enter your Email address and you will get all the details and your own notes about the coffee(s) you are interested in sent to your inbox. This means that you can easily share all the details with your team straight away or go back to all the ratings you've made in your Hub account at any time. BTW - your email address is not shared with sellers, that way the decision is completely yours regarding the sellers you want to get in touch with and when.

Evaluate the coffees you're interested in and add flavour notes easily & quickly

Share details with your buyers and collect feedback quickly 

If you are a green coffee seller using Cropster Hub Tag to present your coffees in the real world (as well as online) you can get near instant feedback on the performance of your coffees. You will see which coffees buyers are interested in and how many buyers at an event are interested. With this latest release, you can now get clear and professional labels for a cupping event of any size. Set up a cupping session at origin, in your lab, at a trade show, etc. Simply print your coffee labels in a few clicks. Just head to "Manage coffees" on your overview page on Hub, select your coffees and print the labels. Each label now automatically includes a unique QR-code so anyone at your event can scan, evaluate, save, and share your coffees in a few simple steps. Not only will you improve the buyers cupping experience but also make sure they have complete information about your coffees saved to their inbox.

Get beautiful labels for any cupping with a few simple clicks and connect your buyers directly to all the coffee details automatically!

An added bonus - get feedback on the flavor notes you've added to your coffees. You can see how many people agree that your coffee natural lot 1 tastes like caramel, dried fruit or cherries (the number next to the flavor note indicates how many cuppers agreed). You can also learn about new flavor notes if cuppers have added something and critically, if you are roasting multiple times you can learn a bit about consistency of your roasts/sample roasts based on this information.

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로트 평가, 샘플 유형 및 샘플 그룹

로스터, 커피 연구소, 수입업체, 수출업체, 생산업체 모두 샘플 커피 로트의 여러 샘플을 평가할 때가 있습니다. Cropster Sample Groups은 샘플을 계속 추적하기 쉽게 합니다.

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레시피 범위 정의<

레시피 관리는 모든 성공한 커피 사업에 필수적인 부분입니다. 카페에서 레시피는 여러 위치의 여러 사람이 관리할 수 있습니다(예: 주인 및 관리자, 바리스타 트레이너 또는 중앙 집중식 실험실 또는 로스터리에서). 이를 염두에 두고, 카페에서의 레시피 관리를 살펴봅시다.

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도매 거래처에서 품질 확보하기

도매 커피 로스팅 사업을 운영하는 것은 생각보다 더 복잡합니다. 소싱, 로스팅, 품질 관리에 대한 복잡성을 차치하더라도 고객에게 단순히 상품을 제공하는 것보다 도매를 하려면 더 많은 것이 필요합니다. 계정에 적합한 서비스와 지원을 제공해 계정이 효과적으로 여러분의 브랜드(또한 자사 브랜드!)를 표현할 수 있도록 하는 것은 여러분의 사업과 브랜드의 성공에…

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