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November update - Next level cupping and descriptors

We are pleased to announce the latest release of Cropster will be live on November 2nd. The focus for the release has been quality control. Specifically integrating feedback we have received from customers worldwide to make their quality related workflows quicker, simpler and more intuitive. There's so much in this release we've got two posts about it. To learn more about the new sample handling take a look here. Let’s get straight to the details.

Paper simple, computer smart

We hear and feel it when people say they want to leverage their phones, tablets and computers when they cup - but it has to be simple and quick to use. We have been working hard with partners to make cupping workflows even clearer and easier - but comprehensive. It's a delicate balance. One result of this work is that your cupping workflow now clearly indicates what stage of the cupping you are in. The stages are:

  • Draft:  In draft, everything about a session can be edited and/or setup. You can even add/remove samples, change the cupping sheet, etc.
  • Open: When a session is open it's time to cup! You can submit results. Once you start cupping, keep in mind - you cannot go back to draft because you're collecting valuable information at that point.
  • Closed: Indicates that cupping session is over and you can't add new samples. Your results can be edited. And if you need to, it is possible to ‘Open’ a particular session again.

Bonus: You can use the ‘Clone Session’ button to create a copy of the current session in DRAFT state. Plus, you can also delete sessions that have been opened with incorrect or missing samples or cupping sheets. If you’ve ever started a cupping session only to find a setup mistake you’ll appreciate this!

High volume cupping made easy

This seemingly small update will be a game changer for organisations with high volume cupping. If you’re there, you’ll love it. If you’re heading that direction, we hope you appreciate all the insights some customers have helped us build into this release. We know we do!

2016 Nov release - cupping session workflows

Anything else? Yes. Quite a bit more actually!

Cupping sheets and functionality have been updated.

Cupping sheets now feature a general descriptor for a coffee. Previously descriptors were only available by category (e.g. Aroma - Apple/positive, Aftertaste -  Wood/negative). With this new release there is a general descriptor for the coffee overall.

2016 Nov release - using descriptors

Descriptors plus their positive and negative attributes are front and center.

In this latest release we have moved descriptors out of the comments and redesigned them so you so can indicate positives and negatives on each one. This makes inputting faster and easier. But where it really shines is when you can view a cupping and see that three cuppers (or cuppings) have indicated a quality like ‘apple’ positive. BTW - we’ve kept the comments section so you still have the freedom to collect any additional information you may need.

Anything else I need to know?

Yes! One result of all this innovation is that it highlights how the need for greater clarity around how we use sessions and how we refer to them. Currently we have open sessions and blind sessions. However, open can mean two things: a sessions is ready for cupping or we know the coffees we are testing. To clarify this important difference we use the term non-blind for sessions where the coffee being cupped is known. It's a small but important change for people with pro packages and above because they can select to setup a blind or non-blind cupping.

Enough details, can you show me?

Yes! If you'd like to see a short walk-through of the new cupping features and descriptors here's a short screencast highlighting some of the more important changes.

<iframe width="720" height="405" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Is that it? Almost, we have updated manuals as well!

As a result of this update we are also updating manuals. They cover every screen in detail and walk you through all the various processes. To get things started the following are available online now and there will be more coming:

For a detailed presentation on navigating the updated Quality tab please click here.

To learn all about setting up your lab, adding evaluators, labs, adding and removing cuppings, etc., please click here.

If you're looking for more information about how to use sessions and set up cuppings in detail, please click here.

If you have set up a profile already and want to change it's name, please click here.

Looking to manage your sourcing and green buying in Cropster? Please click here.

We hope you enjoy all the new updates. We have enjoyed working with numerous partners to develop them. Please remember, if you have thoughts or ideas on how to make Cropster work better for you please let us know. We're always eager to hear feedback and to implement new features to help people make better coffee!

This post highlights portions of the new functionality in the November 2016 release of Cropster. To see the other new features please look here

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New releases

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레시피 관리는 모든 성공한 커피 사업에 필수적인 부분입니다. 카페에서 레시피는 여러 위치의 여러 사람이 관리할 수 있습니다(예: 주인 및 관리자, 바리스타 트레이너 또는 중앙 집중식 실험실 또는 로스터리에서). 이를 염두에 두고, 카페에서의 레시피 관리를 살펴봅시다.

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도매 거래처에서 품질 확보하기

도매 커피 로스팅 사업을 운영하는 것은 생각보다 더 복잡합니다. 소싱, 로스팅, 품질 관리에 대한 복잡성을 차치하더라도 고객에게 단순히 상품을 제공하는 것보다 도매를 하려면 더 많은 것이 필요합니다. 계정에 적합한 서비스와 지원을 제공해 계정이 효과적으로 여러분의 브랜드(또한 자사 브랜드!)를 표현할 수 있도록 하는 것은 여러분의 사업과 브랜드의 성공에…

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로트 평가, 샘플 유형 및 샘플 그룹

로스터, 커피 연구소, 수입업체, 수출업체, 생산업체 모두 샘플 커피 로트의 여러 샘플을 평가할 때가 있습니다. Cropster Sample Groups은 샘플을 계속 추적하기 쉽게 합니다.

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