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An introduction to the New V-Hub

Vollers Group has purchased the green coffee marketplace Cropster Hub. Vollers, a company with 85+ years in coffee, logistics and warehouse services combined with its IT expertise, will bring multiple benefits to Hub’s buyers and sellers. With the sale, Cropster Hub will be renamed to V-Hub and its buyers and sellers will enjoy new features and new market reach.


On this occasion, Cropster and Vollers Group took the time to discuss the transition and what the future holds for buyers and sellers on this platform. We recorded this webinar.



00:02:30 The move - Andreas Idl & Christian Vollers explain the Hub takeover.
00:14:40 Who is Vollers? Christian Vollers introduces Vollers Group.
00:22:00 What's planned for V-Hub? Christian Vollers highlights the most important goals, dates and deadlines.
00:28:12 Norbert Niederhauser on what the transfer means for you as a buyer/seller. 
00:33:39 Marco Franz on why you should join the new V-Hub journey.
00:37:35 One more thing! Christian Vollers on prices, updates etc.

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