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Green buying trends and production planning

In this webinar, our OZ account manager Matthew and Oliver Brown of Condesa Co.Lab discussesd green coffee buying during times of COVID. Plus current buying trends, what’s happening at origin, and how you can use Cropster to make better buying decisions. Check it out below!

We understand that you may not have time to follow the entire session so we've added some handy quick links to key topics here. You can watch the video on our site, or click the links to be taken to that particular topic (this will take you to YouTube).

00:04:50 Learn more about how coffee consumer habits have changed during COVID and how it has affected coffee roasters and coffee importers.

00:12:27 See what Oliver from Condesa Lab has to say about spot coffee and risk management.

00:17:25 How has green buying changed during COVID? What origin countries are still selling? And what is happening at an importer level?

00:29:09 Oliver from Condesa Lab talks about the quality of coffee from Brazilian and other Central American countries.

00:39:05 What's happening at the importer level? Liquidity, and Cost of finance?

00:44:13 What kind of challenges can we expect in green buying from 2020/2021?

00:47:15 How does Cropster help with making buying decisions?

00:57:50 Q&A

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