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It's more than roasting: Running a modern roastery in 2021

6 Indonesian coffee roasters joined Nick Rozental and Taylor Wallace to discuss how there is more to roasting in a modern roastery in 2021. Our panelists display how there is more to Cropster than just a roasting software. They focus on inventory management, production planning, and cupping while threading in roasting!

We understand time zones don't always align and that some may have been sleeping during this webinar. However, we have you covered if you're interested but cannot find time to watch the full webinar. Check out the key highlights below!

00:02:14 Defining what efficiencies and consistencies mean for coffee roasteries

00:10:08 Finding new coffees and how to source coffees while always continuously receiving and cupping new samples

00:24:31 Understanding how green coffee inventory management can either be a headache or can make you roastery workflow more efficient

00:32:22 Production planning at your roastery can help you save time at your roastery

00:41:17 How often are you cupping coffees and who is taking part in those sessions?

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