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Webinar: RoastID Round 3 - The coffee you use matters, and so do blends

Want to know the results for Round 3 of RoastID and who placed top ten in the competition? Watch the webinar below, we reviewed the correct answers from yesterday's quiz with our good friend, Joe Marrocco. We also discussed roasting for blends, different origins, and various processing methods.


Presentation on the webinar can be found here

Our last guest for RoastID was Joe Marrocco, management executive for List + Beisler, owner of Hodges Bend MN, and former educator at Mill City Roasters. For this final round we branched out to a plethora of large-scale topics challenging and the highly notorious topic of blends in the coffee roasting industry. We discussed how roast profiles can be created specifically for developing a blend rather than a single-origin coffee, how different flavors interact when coming together in a blend, and the impact of varying green coffee characteristics (variety, density, moisture content, origin, etc.) on developing roast profiles, with a heightened focus on processing methods.   

Learn more about the RoastID competition


We understand that you may not have time to follow the entire session so we've added some handy quick links to key topics here. You can watch the video on our site, or click the links to be taken to that particular topic (this will take you to YouTube).

00:03:10 Round 1 & 2 Recap

00:06:14 Understanding Round 3

00:08:38 Examining green coffee characteristics before the roast. The expected and typical flavors

00:14:44 The influence of the curves, breaking down the components

00:15:45 Ethiopia (Natural) - Learn more about what is happening in this curve that created these kind of scores.

00:22:48 Ethiopia (Washed) - Learn more about what is happening in this curve that created a baked Coffee.

00:27:27 Sumatra - Find out why these kind of coffees balance well in a blend.

00:30:57 Brazil - Learn more about the unique influences on the quality of this coffee

00:33:28 Colombia - Find out what Joe Marrocco has to say about the variances in this coffee and water content.

00:41:40 The components of the blends

00:53:45 Learn about Joe Marrocco’s thoughts of pre-roasting blends vs. post-roasting blends

01:01:30 RoastID Round 3 recap and the top10 winners for the competition

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