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Cafe Task Management: A Specialized and Integrated Tool

As a Cafe Owner, Manager, and/or Head Barista, the headache and complications that come with task management oversight are very real and very stressful. Your concern is to guarantee tasks are accomplished in a timely and efficient manner. But without the right tools and solutions, this concern can be bigger than expected.


In part two of our Cafe Task Management series, we reviewed several tools that cafe managers are owners used to manage tasks. One weakness of the solutions presented is that they lack integration with your core business operations. When using paper checklists, spreadsheets, and other tools, management is left wondering “when was the task completed?” Timestamps aren’t an integrated feature in most of the above mentioned tools. Accountability is also challenging with these systems and you, as a cafe owner or manager, rarely have visibility into who actually accomplished the work. Even your staff is wondering which task to complete at what times of the day, week, month, or quarter.

An even bigger challenge is to draw conclusions between routine tasks and your operational success. As a cafe owner, you may wonder “how do tasks correlate to consistency of the coffee quality?” or “does one location perform better than the others where tasks are getting done diligently?”

Cropster Cafe is an integrated tool that answers these questions with no additional data tweaking. You will better understand how the sensory profile of your coffee is more consistent when important tasks are completed. Visibility into regular machine cleaning and maintenance will lead to better customer experience, improved online reviews, and eventually increase your revenue. Learning how routine tasks shorten dialing in coffees and increase the longevity of your equipment will be transparent and based on facts.


Specialized Cafe Task Management

Cropster Cafe is a solution for cafe owners that provides valuable insights into the overall functions of a retail coffee business - from the consistency of brewing and extraction to the management of your team and tasks. This is a solution developed specifically for cafes and coffee retailers that considers the unique equipment, staffing requirements, and needs of a diverse group of users, from baristas to managers to owners and general managers. No matter if you’re operating a single location or managing several cafes, Cropster Cafe centralizes your task management into one platform. 

Owners and managers can assign both recurring tasks and those that are one offs. Tasks can be linked to specific areas of the cafe, pieces of equipment, and assigned to individual staff members if desired. This highly flexible system is mobile friendly and also works on laptop and desktop computers, syncing data to a central database accessible from any remote location. This gives management the ability to view task reports in real-time and make adjustments as business needs change. Bar staff has immediate access to the things that need to be done for the day and week ahead.


Cropster Cafe is relevant and accessible to anyone on your team, and secure for your business. It’s Mobile ready and works natively on the iPads and tablets often used in cafes. You can assign tasks to specific members of your team, so that your employees see tasks relevant to their role. 

Your baristas receive a notification message on top of their Crospter dashboard, alerting them to the number of tasks for the day. Barista can assign tasks and by location and are traceable by time frame, location, and the individual assigned to completing the task. This creates a more organized staff, accountable for their own actions. As a cafe manager, you have necessary information to take action where needed (for example, a location requiring more attention, a staff member who needs coaching). This helps to assure the health and longevity of your equipment, to comply with health and safety regulations, and to quickly identify areas requiring additional attention.


The result is a cafe that runs smoothly. Your staff is more organized. It empowers employees and managers to focus on the coffee. Owners have the peace of mind that important duties are taken care of as required. Ultimately, Cropster Cafe is a tool for a more efficient cafe, a cafe that is more productive. Because Cropster Cafe provides a baseline for operational consistency, your baristas are free to focus on providing your customers top quality coffee and service.

Book at Demo today or start your free trail and see Cropster Cafe in action.


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