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Stocking Keeping Units (SKU) Webinar

Keeping track of a multi-product inventory with a variety of product options, such as grind and package size, can be a real challenge! With a standardized approach to using Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), you can stay on top of your inventory and keep your product sales and inventory in sync across your accounting, fulfillment, and other tools.

In this webinar, Marcus Young and Kelsey Maher discuss SKUs, why you should care about them, and best practices when developing and integrating them into your business. They’ll also share a plug and play template you can use to auto-generate SKUs for your inventory items. If you haven't already, be sure to read the corresponding blog post of this webinar here!


03:09 What are SKUs? Stock Keeping Units are a way to help keep your multi-product inventory organized.

06:05 A basic example of a few different SKUs with product variations such as coffee bag size, coffee ground type, etc.

08:42 A SKU applied in an online WooCommerce coffee store.

10:40 SKUs are extremely helpful when applied to accounting softwares such as Quickbooks.

12:15 SKUs are extremely helpful when applied to Cropster, especially Cropster Commerce for wholesale businesses.

16:05 Differentiating SKUs from barcodes, UPC codes, and other industry jargon.

25:35 Examples of SKUs with multiple product variations and to how it keeps your roastery or place of inventory organized.

29:35 Cropster's FREE SKU Generator can help you apply SKUs to your inventory today.

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