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Coffee Advice with Newerly Gutierrez: Production, Mills, and Exporting
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Coffee Advice with Newerly Gutierrez: Production, Mills, and Exporting

With our newest partner in Colombia, we present our webinar "Coffee Advice with Newerly Gutierrez: Production, Mills, and Exporting." Newerley is the CEO of Café Cien Años in Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia. Originally from Finca Monteverde in Rioblanco, Tolima from a coffee growing family, Newerley is a coffee exporter, a Q-grader, a SENA coffee production technician, and a professional in agricultural monitoring systems. Newerley is a coffee expert and has extensive knowledge of the coffee industry.

Weren't able to join this webinar? No problem, we totally understand! Check out the recording of the webinar with Café Cien Años below. For reference, we've also included time stamps to get the most of out of this recording.

00:00:44 Who is Newerley Gutiérrez and why is he known as Mr. Wush Wush? Wush Wush is a rare coffee varietal.

00:06:38 Understanding why coffee producers inquire for field consulting to improve quality, production volumes, increase profitability, etc.

00:11:56 Understanding why coffee producers inquire about wet/dry mill consulting to maintain coffee quality and improve cup flavor profiles of coffees.

00:19:12 Cropster products can help all coffee professionals at all parts of the supply chain. Cropster Origin can help producers, mills, and exporters track, analyze, and manage the quality of their coffees from wet cherry reception to green coffee exportation.

00:25:21 Apply a Gesha coffee to the workflow in Cropster Origin from reception to green coffee exportation and quality control.

00:29:31 Best of Panama's use of Cropster Cup and Newerley's experience cupping coffees at the Best of Panama.

00:30:40 Using AmbientSensors at farms and warehouses to monitor and control weather data such as temperature, ambient pressure, and humidity so that you can measure and improve coffee quality.

00:34:34 Using Cropster Cup and SLIC sample labels to track and communicate sensorial analysis of coffee samples in Cropster Origin.

00:43:20 The importance of using Cropster Origin and digitizing your operations for coffee exporting.

00:49:17 Using Roasting Intelligence in Cropster Origin to understand and analyze your coffees from seed to cup so that you can better communicate your coffees to potential customers.

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