
Maximizing the quality potential of your coffee requires action before a batch is ruined due to poor drying or storage. You can view the entire history of the conditions during processing and anticipate which lots might be damaged before you present them to buyers.

Sensor notifications

Set target temperatures, humidity and/or air pressure for any sensor location and receive a notification if that measurement exceeds or falls below your given thresholds. With Cropster, you'll know right away if something is wrong.

Sensor tracking

Keep track of an unlimited number of sensors and locations directly in Cropster and analyze that information against all other quality aspects of your business.

Sensor reporting

Create reports summarizing your AmbientSensor data and see where you need to adjust your roasting or your facility management to maintain the quality of your green coffee.

Warehouse sensing

Cropster's AmbientSensors allow you to monitor exactly what is going on in your storage facilities 24/7. Track changes in temperature, humidity and/or air pressure over time and make decisions based on that data.

Information sharing

Cropster lets you easily summarize and share sample, cupping and report information. Inviting guests to your QC sessions (guest cuppers/tasters) is quick and easy with Cropster.

Green grading

Capture all of the essential green coffee data like moisture, density, screen size, defects and more. This important information is then integrated throughout your account to help you when you need it most.

Introductory cupping

Introductory cupping includes access to the Cropster Cup app, the essential cupping sheets, label creation and thorough analysis of all cupping results. The Cup app works offline too, so you can cup no matter where you are.

Blind cupping

Easily create and setup blind or doubleblind cupping sessions. Use Cropster to print out labels and enter cupping results (with Cropster Cup or via the web browser). All of your cupping data is automatically synced and informative QC reports are only a click away.

Cropster Cup

Cropster Cup is a fully connected cupping app for smartphones & mobile devices that integrates with the Cropster platform to deliver instant quality results. Cup is always available to fulfill your quality requirements.

Custom analysis sheets

Design your own custom cupping sheets to suit your specific needs, add your own descriptors to fully customize your cupping sessions and take your cupping sessions to the next level with Cropster.

QC info is always available

Access all of your QC information, including cupping scores and green grading info, from wherever you roast, cup or relax. Mobile access means you can stay flexible, connected and up-to-date while maintaining and controlling quality.

Custom cupping forms


Cropster supports the designing of your own custom cupping sheets to suit your specific needs. You can also add your own descriptors to fully customize your cupping sessions and take your cupping sessions to the next level.

Advanced cupping sessions (non-blind, blind, double-blind)


With advanced cupping sessions you can set up blind or double-blind cupping sessions. Cropster guides you through the setup and makes creating and printing the necessary labels easy.

Cropster Cup

Cropster Cup is a fully connected cupping app for smartphones & mobile devices that integrates with the Cropster platform to deliver instant quality results. Cup is always available to fulfill your quality requirements.

Introductory cupping

Introductory cupping includes access to the essential Cropster cupping sheets, with full on and offline support and all the features you need to successfully record and analyze your cupping results.

Blind cupping

Easily create and setup blind or doubleblind cupping sessions. Use Cropster to print out labels and enter cupping results (with Cropster Cup or via the web browser). All of your cupping data is automatically synced and informative QC reports are only a click away.

Custom descriptors


Easily add custom descriptors for your cupping sessions. You can define a descriptor as positive or negative and as high, medium or low impact. Reporting and analysis on custom descriptors is fully supported.

Multiple cupping forms


With multiple cupping forms you get full access to hundreds of pre-defined cupping sheets, including industry standards such as the SCA and CoE sheets. This guarantees you always have the best sheet for your needs.

Online/offline functionality


Cup offline wherever you have your phone or tablet: at origin, your warehouse, Everest base camp or anywhere else. Just open the app and the next time you are connected to the internet your results will sync to Cropster.

Sample traceability


Track the entire life history of your samples, no matter how many you have. Stay on top of this wealth of information to make better purchasing decisions.



Easily share information about your samples including rating, physical analysis and cupping scores.

Sales number


Track all your samples, no matter how many you have. Do you import or export lots of samples? Use Cropster to keep sample tracking simple and accurate.

Purchase order number


Keep track of your samples and contracts via their internal purchase order numbers. Streamline your accounting process and save time. Your accounting team will thank you.

Filter/sort functions


Sort or filter your samples to find out exactly what you need to know. From tracking # to cupping scores or certificates and more, all the information you need is there.

Sample information


When you import new samples, choose exactly how much information about your samples you want to capture. Need to know everything? Just the essentials? Either way, we've got you covered.

Multiple tracking numbers


Enter your samples' ICO, container or tracking number into Cropster to stay on top of where all of your samples are, whether they are pre-shipment, spot offer or evaluation.

Bulk approval


With Cropster you can save time by bulk approving or rejecting samples.

Bulk quality analysis


Perform quality analysis for multiple samples at the same time. Whether you are cupping or green grading, easily input all the results into Cropster.

PDF reports


Quickly create PDF quality reports of one or more samples. Share important quality information that much faster.

Print functions


Print out sample information with ease. Choose exactly what information you want to be included in your printout, click, and print.

Buying support


Cropster's sample management presents an overview of all the information you need to make better and more efficient buying decisions.

Integration with sample roasters

With Cropster, your sample roasting is integrated directly into your workflow, giving you all the info you need, whether you are running one sample roaster occasionally or multiple sample roasters several times a day.


With SLIC, traders can easily create sample bag labels with QR codes that roasters can quickly scan to import the sample's data directly into their Cropster account.

Sample roasting


Connecting your sample roaster(s) to Cropster is easy. Integrate your sample roasting with Cropster's sample management tools to streamline your workflow.

Sample management


Keeping track of your samples and their quality data can be cumbersome and time consuming. Our sample management tool helps you easily upload, organize, and record quality info for your samples. You can track a coffee throughout its entire life history from sample to purchased coffee.

Bulk sample import


If you have a lot of samples or are thinking of migrating your sample inventory to Cropster, our bulk sample registration tool makes it easy to quickly enter all of your sample information into the system.


Cropster SLIC helps you create simple, elegant and informative labels for your samples in seconds.

Lot price indication

Track the monetary value of your green inventory across multiple locations.

Lot traceability


Trace the entire history of your lots, from farm to warehouse to roastery. Multiple farms, warehouses or roasteries? See exactly where everything has been and where it is now with Cropster.

Lot transaction


Look into the history of a specific lot. See where it is, where it has been, how much of it is remaining and when it is projected to run out.

Advanced inventory

Cropster's advanced inventory management system lets you sort and filter your inventory based on any one of multiple variables. From basics like name or origin country to specifics like PO or external ID numbers, the possibilities are (almost) endless.

Multiple locations


Track everything related to your samples and green inventory across multiple locations, including labs and warehouses.

Warehouse locations

Easily track your inventory across all of your warehouses with Cropster. Transferring inventory from one warehouse to another (or your lab) happens with a few mouse clicks.

Inventory view customization

There are more possible ways to customize the information you see on your inventory overview page than cells in the human body. Trust us, we did the math.

Green inventory

Get an overview of your current green inventory status. See where it is, how much you have and what it is worth. Use filters to find the data you need. Looking for green coffee from a specific supplier or crop year? No problem.

Mobile inventory


Update your inventory on the fly with your phone or tablet.


Keep your inventory organized with industry-standard certifications, such as Rainforest Alliance or Organic certifications. Sort and filter your current inventory via certifications.

Lot transaction

Look into the history of a specific lot. See where it is, where it has been, how much coffee is remaining and when it is projected to run out.

Supply network

Associate names and businesses with your coffees so you can track and evaluate your supply network.

Inventory report


The Inventory Report shows your current inventory across multiple locations. See how much coffee is in each location and how much it is worth. Sort and search by specific location or certificate.


The Cropster dashboard is sleek, informative and customizable. Like that first cup of coffee in the morning, the Cropster dashboard gives you exactly what you need to start your day off right.


Cropster is accessible online, anytime, via any internet browser enabled device. Yes, even your smartwatch (we've tried).

Education and sharing

We are always trying to expand our knowledge of the specialty coffee industry and we actively share that knowledge with all of our customers.


Cropster support comes with over 100 manuals dealing with the most common problems, FAQs and setup processes. Search for and access manuals from directly within Cropster.

Full ticketing

Cropster includes a personal support system with full ticketing. That means if you have a problem, your ticket gets automatically sent to the right person for the job who will reach out to you with support for your specific issue.

Feature request

Do you think Cropster is missing a feature or something could be improved? We work closely with coffee professionals across the supply chain and many of our best features and ideas come from their suggestions. Let us know!

User management

One Cropster account gives you access to an unlimited number of users. Define each user's role and ensure Cropster is optimized for their specific job. Create groups, track all of your metrics against users, manage permissions and more.

Lab settings


Cropster gives you full control over your lab's descriptors, lab locations, cupping sheets and categorizations to ensure easy and complete tracking of every aspect of your coffee and quality processes.

Mobile friendly interface

Coffee Lab supports a mobile-friendly interface, so you can make any adjustments you need to on the go.

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