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Episode 5 - Geoff Watts of Intelligentsia on the Economics of Coffee
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Episode 5 - Geoff Watts of Intelligentsia on the Economics of Coffee

Geoff Watts is a pioneer and an early adopter of the specialty coffee movement. With over 25 years of industry experience as a barista, roaster, Q-grader, green coffee buyer, and educator, Geoff is the father of what we know as the Direct Trade model. Throughout his career, he has served on the boards of the Coffee Roasters Guild (Chairman), the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (Chairman), and now works on different sustainability and transparency projects, such as the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide.

What it's all about: We'll discuss the social implications of a value chain and how technology can make the value chain more sustainable and transparent, along with the various issues of the current trading model that uses the C-Price. While we discuss the effects on origin, we also discuss the industry's impact on the other side of the supply chain for baristas and consumers, particularly how these areas of the value chain can be vehicles for change, as well. Enjoy the listen!

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