New releases

Roasted components: get a simple answer to a difficult inventory question

What is a roasted component? A roasted component is the building block of a final coffee product, e.g. your house blend. You may have 2-3 or more components in your house blend e.g. Brazil #1, Colombian #3, or a single component in your single origin offerings. With the latest update to Cropster Roast, you can now associate multiple roast profiles with a single “roasted component”. This new feature means roasteries can report on a particular roasted component that is used in several roast profiles. Now using tools like the production report is even simpler and reduces the math headaches we know roasters sometimes experience.


The new production report featuring roasted components shows you exactly what is in use where, helping you answer sometimes difficult questions.

If you’re dealing with multiple coffees across multiple profiles, we know reporting can be difficult. Now we’re making this workflow easier for you.

Our goal at Cropster is for roasters to spend less time on admin and repetitive tasks and more time with the coffee. Our customers constantly tell us how much they appreciate Cropster reports to keep track of their inventory, roast profiling, and production volumes. We added “Roasted Components” thanks to feedback from roasters like you.

This update helps answer tough questions like:

  • How much did we roast a particular coffee - i.e. roasted component - in a certain period, utilizing multiple profiles?
  • Which of our single origins and post roast blends use that particular coffee?
  • How much of that particular coffee will we need in upcoming weeks?

Do you have a problem you need to solve? A report in mind that would save you time? Get in touch! We’re always listening and we share what we learn.

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Roastery   -   Blog

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New releases

Innovazione assoluta in ambito di tostatura e IA: la previsione del primo crack!

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New releases

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