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Stock level alerts - let your inventory do the talking!

If you have ever discovered your inventory has less stock than you thought you’re going to love this. Cropster’s latest release now includes custom stock level notifications.

These are simple to set up directly against your inventory and are based on the inventory weight. Get ready to know exactly when it is time to re-order or organize a shipment from the warehouse based on your schedule or production plan. With stock level notifications you’ll always know that you are above your safety level of inventory - because you’ll get an alert when your stock hits a warning level you choose! When that happens, you know it's time to replenish it. This feature is neatly tied to a PG code in Cropster. That means you’ll be able to track all your coffee stocks across one or multiple locations.

Set a stock notification and get ready to thank yourself in the future!

To help even further, you can now filter for all your green lots to see which are running low and this information will also be included in your daily roast update email as well as featured on your dashboard. When a notification is triggered, you won’t miss it! Finally, if you’re managing a larger operation, you’ll be able to review all coffees that have fallen below your notification level together online and edit them as needed. 

This is a small but fantastic feature. It’s based on feedback from businesses worldwide that want to stay on top of their inventory and production and remove a potentially painful moment from day to day operations!

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