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Update Now: Roasting Intelligence 5 is Out!

In the ever-evolving world of coffee roasting, Cropster's Roasting Intelligence (RI) has been a reliable companion for roasters worldwide. However, as technology surges forward and user expectations evolve, Cropster recognized the need for a new era.


RI5 officially launched in January 2024, marking a milestone in Cropster's commitment to redefining the possibilities of coffee roasting. The launch is a pivotal moment in our journey. Our users’ feedback has been the driving force behind the evolution of Roasting Intelligence. We recognize the role they’ve played in making RI5 a reality.

In the heart of RI5 lies a commitment to a user-friendly experience. We ensure a seamless transition for our dedicated community of roasters, focusing on ease of use and efficiency. Our beta testers have shared that they “love the new interface. It’s very clean, very easy to understand, and it works far better on smaller laptop screens.” At the same time, “there is no drastic change that interferes with the actual roasting.”

So, what are the key updates in RI5? We have summed it up here, but for a deeper dive into each key feature, check out our RI5 Update helpdesk article.

RI5 Key Features:

  • Replay Sliders
  • Detachable sidebars
  • Two-column pre-roast layout
  • More flexibility on profile ratios
  • Reorder Measurements
  • Discover curves’ values with your hand’s precision
  • Keyboard Shortcuts

Stay tuned, as upcoming updates are already in the making, promising even more innovations to further shape the landscape of roast profiling. Update now!

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