New releases

Update your roast schedule on the fly based on last minute orders

Have you spend time working on roast schedules with Order to Roast? If yes, you'll love this latest update. You can now add new orders to your existing schedule even if your production day has already begun.

We know that building production schedules is time consuming enough without last minute changes. That’s why we want to make the scheduling process as easy as possible for you. With this update, we’re introducing customizable daily roast schedules to help you deal with last minute orders and changes. This will save you time (as you don’t have to rebuild the schedule from scratch) and add flexibility (as you can convert new orders and add them to the existing production schedule for the day). Plus, you will always know that you have the most efficient schedule possible to help you manage your inventory and save time on the production floor.

How does this exactly work? Let’s use a quick example to explain this new feature in more detail.

  • Your production day has already begun.
  • Your roaster has started to heat up the roasting machine and is preparing the first batches for the morning, the Brazilian Blend.
  • That’s when you receive a last minute order of 10 bags of the Ethiopia SO which is scheduled to be roasted later in the afternoon.
  • Instead of deleting the whole roast schedule and converting all orders from the start, you can just add this new order to the existing schedule.

Replace all your spreadsheets with the following features

With this update, we’ve added more ways to change your order statuses. First of all, you can now mark any received orders as roasted manually. If you have enough on-hand inventory available to fulfill some of your orders, you can just mark them as roasted before converting your orders into a schedule. This simple update makes order handling more accurate. Alternatively, just in case you don’t mark them manually, Cropster will do this in the conversion table for you automatically.

Secondly, you’re also able to mark an order as packaged and/or shipped. No need to keep an extra spreadsheet anymore to track if your orders have been shipped out to your customers already. Everything about your orders is in one place and you can easily filter the status to see which orders still need to be packaged and shipped.


In the "Roasted" tab you can now quickly mark you roasted orders as packaged or shipped (the two symbols next to "Archive").

More improvements to Order to Roast

There’s more coming with Order to Roast. We’re working hard on improving this feature to make life as easy as possible for you. In case you missed the last release where we introduced product bundles, scheduling preferences and more, you can read all about those features here.

Want to start using the Order to Roast feature?

You can trial our Roast Professional package, just click on the button below. Plus, learn more about how to get started in this detailed blog post here or check out our manual “Using the Order to roast module”

Still not sure? Find out how Order to Roast helps our customer Bunista daily.

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