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Importing sample data is a snap with SLIC - secure linked coffee

You buy green coffee from multiple traders. With each sample, you also get important information which impacts your roasting process and the decisions you make about how you will roast a specific coffee.

Some traders provide lots of information when you request a sample, on a label or handwritten on the sample bag. Other traders provide much less and you need to follow-up with them to get all the information you need to make buying and roasting decisions. Capturing this information got easier when Cropster introduced bulk uploading so you could enter multiple samples from your existing Excel sheet at once. However, we knew that getting this important information into Cropster could be made even easier. The result? We’ve developed a way to make sharing and entering this data a snap (literally) :-). The tool we've built is called SLIC - secure linked coffee - and makes sharing information faster, more accurate and secure.

Traders can now provide all the information you need from a smart sample label. QR codes mean even less data entry time!

With our latest release traders can now simply add a QR-code which holds all the data they want to share with you on a sample label. When you get the sample(s), you just scan the QR-code and get all the information. This can be done with your mobile devices or with any modern browser. A bonus feature - it works on & offline. That means you can collect sample information whenever you want. If you’re using an iPhone, you can simply use your camera to automatically scan the QR-code. On other phones simply use any QR-code scanning app or the scanner integrated into the new feature. Once you’ve scanned your coffee samples, you can check them out in full detail and even add your own private notes before importing the data into Cropster. One final feature, you can select which coffees you import into Cropster, meaning you don’t need to include everything you have scanned.

Use your smartphone to save time and improve your data!

Importing sample data into Cropster is now even easier, saving you time and helping you focus on what’s important - selecting the right coffees. If you have any thoughts about this new tool or ideas that we should look into for future updates, please let us know. We collaborate with coffee professionals around the world and chances are high, that if you’re thinking of something that could improve your workflows, other people are interested too. 


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ロースティング インテリジェンス 4の最新のアップデートにより、クロップスターは人工知能(AI)に基づく1ハゼ予測を皆様にお届けします。1ハゼが発生する可能性が最も高いタイミングをを示し、それに応じて焙煎を計画できます。 全ての詳細をお読む。

New releases


インテリジェント豆温度と人工知能(AI)に基づくRoR予測を特徴とするロースティング・インテリジェンス最新バージョンのリリースを当社はとても楽しみにしています。 これからはローストの進み具合を事前に把握!


Roastery   -   Blog posts

あなたに最適な温度上昇率 (RoR) は?

温度上昇率に関する沢山の質問がクロップスターに寄せられています。 コーヒを愛する私たち技術者は温度上昇率に精通しています。 私たちのテクノロジーに関する専門知識はロースターの成長に繋がると確信しています。 彼にはコヒーに関する幅広い専門知識も欠かせません。 結果とし、私たちは世界的なリーディング コーヒー エキスパート達と連携をとりました:Anne Cooper、 Rob Hoos,、そして…


