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Harvest Report

Cropster Origin has never been more accessible and user-friendly than now. The best part is that it's only getting better! Our latest update introduces the Harvest Report, which helps Origin users take their understanding of their production to a new level that enhances their ability to grow.

nullHarvest Report Dashboard

Farms, mills and exporters across various origins process many types of coffees per harvest and each coffee requires different attention to detail depending on the processing or fermentation method desired. Harvest Report is an essential tool for producers to assess and evaluate past and current harvests.

With Harvest Report, Origin users can filter information by various types of harvest data. This includes the ability to switch between viewing cherry, parchment or green coffee (or whichever state of coffee that Origin users work with). Results can be filtered depending on processing method, varieties, suppliers, or according to your own custom projects.


Harvest Report Breakdown

A comparative analysis is also available in different forms so that Origin users can better compare and analyze each lot that is entered and processed during each harvest. This allows Origin users to better understand if their quality has improved relative to their production volume for both specialty and commercial lots.

While most producers aim to produce as much high-quality volume as possible, Harvest Report allows Origin users to differentiate and compare their lots by quality and volume. As multiple harvests pass, it gives producers the data they need to re-evaluate what should and shouldn’t be changed.


Harvets Report Targets

An important reference for all farms, mills, and exporters is the ability to set production targets. With Origin, producers can set production targets and measure these targets through Harvest Reports. Harvest Report allows producers to analyze their successes throughout a particular harvest and helps them see where they can improve for the next harvest.

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