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Lots of coffees or samples to keep track of? Save time and effort with our latest update!

We know that managing your coffee inventory can sometimes be a challenge. That's one reason we are constantly looking at how to make handling inventory, easier, faster and more accurate. To help you make the most of this time and hopefully reduce the amount of time required, we have added a new feature that we call the 'bulk lot editor'. What’s that? Simply put it’s a place where you can edit a number of coffees all at the same time.

Edit multiple lots at once simple and quick with the new bulk lot editor

The new bulk lot editor feature is actually available for inventory and for samples. If you manage samples this means you can quickly add your incoming samples and then add more and more information to those samples as they move through your review process. This also helps you focus on the coffees you are most interested in and capture everything quickly with less repetitive tasks.

Both inventory and samples are now easily managed and updated

If you are managing your coffee inventory this will make your physical reconciliation much faster and easier to update. It also makes maintenance of your inventory easier as you’ll be able to quickly view a large number of coffees and run through any updates to that list without having to go back and forward across multiple screens. More advanced operations like weight adjustments can be performed with the new bulk editor as well and the added bonus is that you’ll be able to select exactly which coffees appear in that list before you edit it.

This might sound like a small feature, but it's an important one. It's a small change that will make a big difference in some people's day. It's also a great example of a feature driven by customer input. If you have an idea for a new feature, please let us know. Some of Cropster’s most interesting features start when people take that one moment to share their feedback as they use the system. Who knows? That next feature could begin with you.

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