Roast   -   Coffee Lab   -   New releases

Upgrading to Cropster is now even easier with a new Roast Designer!

We’ve made it even easier to migrate over your most important profiles with this new feature which allows you to edit your roast curves. That means it is easier than ever to upgrade to Cropster's industry leading Roasting Intelligence 4. For existing users this means that you have new design tools available to modify your roast curves. Plus, it's available with every Cropster account!

Cropster users have been able to add roasts manually by entering important values like duration, machine, start and end weight, etc. for years. With our new Roast Designer recreating curves from other systems is even simpler. You can add all the key data about your roast and instantly get presented with a beautiful curve that you can edit and adjust easily. 

All of our existing Cropster users also have access to this powerful new Roast Designer and can now modify existing curves that were created automatically by Roasting Intelligence 4 (RI 4). There are practical and creative reasons users have asked for this feature. You may want to modify your curve when the start time wasn’t detected correctly or you might have forgotten to edit the duration time in the RI immediately after the roast was finished. This happens to the best. ;-) Life is now a little easier as you can change the duration of your roast within C-sar now. In only a few simple clicks you can adjust your curve making it easier to compare to other curves. Plus, a calculation in the background updates your curve automatically, which means your curve still looks beautiful. Another use, you can also add or edit comments and decide if they should be displayed on your curve or not. A very useful feature if you’re working with another person or a team.

That's all?

It seems like a small feature, but we're already working on adding more functionality to the new Roast Designer. A little teaser: an importer is on the works so you can upload files and create your roast curves even faster. Stay tuned and keep an eye out for the next update! In the meantime, we'd be happy to hear your feedback. As you know, collaboration is key here at Cropster and we love working with coffee pro's around the world to make your life in your coffee business easier. If you have any thoughts about this new feature or ideas that we should look into for future updates, please let us know.


Roastery   -   Blog posts

Kaffee Panel 系列 - 第 2 部分:Carsten Wolters

来自 Roestbar 的 Carsten Wolters 烘焙的是一款来自 Finca Vizcaya 的水洗危地马拉咖啡。 在我们 Kaffee Panel 系列的第二篇文章中,我们将向您介绍来自德国明斯特 Roestbar 的 Carsten Wolters。

Roastery   -   Quality Control / Cupping   -   Blog posts

Kaffee Panel 系列 - 第 1 部分:Philip Weller

今年年初,我们邀请了四位经验丰富的烘焙师参加我们的网络讲座,了解他们如何在 Kaffee Panel 竞赛中取得佳绩。 为此,我们分析了他们烘焙曲线,对他们的不同方法进行了讨论。

Cafe   -   Blog posts


调整。 为了制作出美味的意式浓缩咖啡,达到品质标准以及留住和吸引更多客户,调整无疑是一项首要任务。 调整不过是使用您现有的设备,对冲煮参数进行理想调整,以获得最佳品质咖啡的过程。 我们知道,这说起来简单,做起来难。 我们还知道如何让这个过程变得更加简单,让您和您的同事更加轻松。 我们如何知道 Cropster Cafe 能让这个过程更加轻松简单? 因为有这些来自客户的积极反馈:


