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Connect your WooCommerce shops with Cropster

Great news! Order to roast gets another integration. If you’re selling your coffees through WooCommerce, you’ll love the latest update. Keep reading for all the details!

| Commerce

Written by Ines K


Integrate your WooCommerce shops

With the latest update to our production planning feature Order to roast, you can pull all of your incoming orders automatically from WooCommerce into Cropster. Once you’ve set up the integration, you will have to map out all of your products and product bundles. To help you get started with this, we’ve written up a detailed manual in our helpdesk here. As soon as your orders are synchronized to Cropster, you can convert as many as you want to an effective roast schedule. Cropster does the math for you and calculates how much you’re going to need for all ordered bags.

Wondering how Order to roast works exactly? Check out this comprehensive blog post.

In case you use more than one account, e.g. one for retail and one for wholesale, that’s totally fine. The latest Order to roast update also supports connecting multiple Commerce shops to Cropster.


There is more!

We’ve also just released more improvements to this feature like clearer order management system, scheduling preferences, and product bundles. All these little details will make your workflows more efficient and save you valuable time each day. Check it out here!

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