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Sample handling and inputting streamlined for labs and roasteries in Cropster’s latest release

Sample handling is detailed work that requires organization. Smaller operations can handle samples and the information around them on a one by one basis. But larger businesses can quickly find keeping track of multiple samples is as time consuming as it is important.

| Lab

Written by Paul B

After all, sample information is often where all people’s traceability information regarding farms, exporters and importers begins so the details are critical. This is one of many reasons Cropster has focused on sample handling in the roastery and in the lab. It is also why we are happy to announce a new and updated bulk sample registration tool.

Lot’s of samples to manage? Cropster has you covered with easy bulk registration!

Adding, managing and maintaining samples quickly and easily

Like the original bulk registration tool it replaces, Cropster’s completely new tool will further streamline how businesses add new samples to the system making a critical part of the process much easier. People have used the original system for years and we have learned a lot as a result. With the new system importing samples from a spreadsheet is much easier, faster and can be easily repeated. Infact, if you have ever copied anything from one spreadsheet to another, you’re all set to use the new ‘Add many’ feature. With easy and clear instructions plus the ability to define and save exactly the information you want, adding information about your samples will be a breeze.

Need help loading multiple samples? The latest help features tool tips and demos to show you exactly what you need, when you need it.

Check your work with confidence!

One benefit we know people will love is the ability to completely review samples prior to committing them into Cropster. This step is now built in and provides an additional check (and level of safety) to labs dealing with lots of samples. It also means people can play with the system with confidence, learn and try new things without worrying they’ll add something incorrectly. As long as they check their work before committing of course!

You’ll see from the screenshot above that the original bulk loader will be available until August 15th (2017) as +Add many (legacy). That’s so businesses with existing processes will be able to test the new system out. We’re confident that once they do, they’ll make the move quickly. But we want to make sure everyone has time to adjust. We highly recommend the new one so please take a look and know the legacy version in place for a short while to give you time to test the new one.

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