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The new Roast Compare v3.0: Advances in Roast to Cup quality control

The new Roast Compare Ver 3.0 is available. For the first time, it creates one view across your profiles, roast success and cup quality

| RI

Written by Andy Benedikter, Paul Bartholomew

Completing the loop

Roast profiling and QC are a continuous loop of improvement. Roasting – Cupping – Analysis – Better Profile. We all aim to get the best result from green coffee and this is the process that helps us consistently improve.

Version 3 of Roast Compare is now available. Compare has been at the heart of the roast product since Cropster announced tools for roasters. With the arrival of more comprehensive logging and the new cupping app we can now take the next step and create an advanced QC board for your roasting. The new Roast Compare combines profiles, cuppings and Roast Ranger into a single dashboard. 

A special thanks goes to our users whose thoughts and ideas enhanced this new report. We hope it lives up to your expectations and look forward to developing it further as we all learn more by using it. 

What does it include?

Compare Roasts

The new Roast Compare features a more complete view of each curve and roast event. The report simulates the view in Cropster’s “Roasting Intelligence (RI)” and includes all roast curves, any tracked Rate-of-Rise and all comments. It creates an even more comprehensive view of curves and simplifies comparisons. The legend to the right lets you switch views of single curves and parameters on and off. It also identifies the reference curve and the other batches by color tag.

Correlate roasts with the cup

The next part of Roast Compare shows all your cupping information (which you can capture using Cropster Cup – available on the AppStore) for each roast batch in the chart. This allows you to check roast profiles with their final outcome and vice versa. Each coffee is shown with its final cupping score, flavors and the full averaged cupping categories (e.g. acidity). For further details you can jump directly into the QC report.

Get Further Roast details

The statistics section presents numbers from the roast as values e.g., first crack temp/time, duration, development time (ratio) or roast color.

Roast Ranger: Is the roast within spec?

Roast Ranger is Cropster’s digital roast consistency checker. It helps you to create frames and goals for your roast profiles (Available with Roast Plus). The new Roast Compare also shows how many and which profile goals have succeeded and failed against your targets.  

New UI: Cleaner selection, improved filters and custom views

Simpler access to all the information Cropster has to offer is the goal of our new user interface. This cleaner and easier presentation will be rolled out across our whole platform, giving you more control to filter data and focus on your own metrics.

For example, filter your roast inventory to highlight roasts of a certain profile, specific machine, worker or location. Simple and targeted filtering delivers “more” information for the batches selected making them even more accessible. Show or hide the quality or roast stats section below the graphs, depending on what you want to see. Custom select the comments and values you want to focus on.

Being able to compare roast curves and events in detail is the baseline for finding your “ideal roast”. Your roast profile is a critical reference for creating a solid production line. Once production is underway, roast comparison helps you keep an eye on consistency across your entire process. 

At the end of the day roast curves are a critical metric, but cup quality will always be the final measure. Quality scores, intensities of key categories like acidity and body as well as flavor descriptors can now complement your roast curves and add key qualifiers to the information they present.

With our all new Roast Compare report, Cropster brings you a powerful single view of your production process. With your relevant roast processing information and your comprehensive quality evaluation information integrated and accessible you can make truly data driven decisions to improve your production. 


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