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Buy your green coffee confidently - Cropster
Simple solutions to help you buy with confidence

If you are an importer searching for a single origin, an enterprise buyer working to a specific green type or a roaster looking to improve quality, Cropster can help. You can easily track samples in your lab, at origin or trade events and streamline the processes around capturing, evaluating, reporting, and analyzing coffee performance.

Cropster Leave

In the fast-changing landscape of the specialty coffee industry, working with a unified feedback platform to monitor, communicate and connect our teams, can have a substantial effect on the overall quality of our coffee and customer experience.

Kris Schackman
Five Elephant Coffee
Sample roasting
Streamline your lab and sample roasting

Registering samples, cupping, comparing, and analyzing can be made simpler for you and your business regardless of size. Plus, Cropster’s Roasting Intelligence means data rich sample roasting is available to everyone, easily shared, and secure.

More about sample roasting

Quality control
Quality control that is always available

Your quality control can happen at origin, in your lab, at a supplier, in your warehouse or even at a trade show. We know that quality requirements change depending on your situation. What stays the same is the need for quality control. You can collect the information you need, report, and act on it in real time, wherever you are.

More about Cropster Cup

Track samples
Stay in control of all your sample information

Every sample comes with information you need to capture, track, and act on. Cropster offers simple solutions that help you quickly and accurately register samples and manage them through contract and beyond. You can see exactly how every coffee, supplier, roast machine, and more is performing.

More about sample tracking

Reporting and sharing
Create and share accurate information with ease

Keeping your coffee information in order is critical and time consuming. Cropster stores your coffee information in a standard way. To save time, you can import and export in a safe, secure way. Plus, building and sharing customizable reports is simple.

More about SLIC

Cropster Leave
Green buying
The overview you need to make the best buying decisions

When you can review any sample and see if it performed as expected, decisions are easier and improvement is built in. Cropster captures information from your existing workflows to provide analysis and reporting when you need it. You can easily find successes and challenges across your business.

More about QC reporting

Get started with your free account

No payment details required. No hidden fees. 14 days of testing for free!